
Emergent technological practices of middle years students with mathematics learning disabilities

Funding Source: SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Funding Awarded: $32,695 (2021)

Role: Principal Investigator


Mathematizing Discourses: A Video Ethnographic Study of Student Identity and Positioning in Mathematics Discussions

Funding Source:  President’s Seed Grant, University of Regina

Funding Awarded: $4,760 (2021)

Role: Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator - Dr. Kathleen Nolan, University of Regina)

Occasioning Emergent Technological Practices

Funding Source: Centre for Educational Research, Collaborations, and Development (CERCD)

Funding Awarded: $10,000 (2020)

Role: Principal Investigator


Emergent Technological Practices of Middle School Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities Who Use Mobile Technology

Funding Source: Saskatchewan Instructional Development Research Unit (SIDRU)

Funding Awarded: $8,800 (2018)

Role: Principal Investigator 

The learner's perspective: Adapting technology for middle school students with mathematics learning disabilities through the emergent technological practices of post-secondary students with mathematics learning disabilities

Funding Source:  President’s Seed Grant, University of Regina - 

Funding Awarded: $4,920 (2017)

Role: Principal Investigator (Co-Investigator - Dr. Mirela Gutica, BC Institute of Technology)


Problem posing as storyline: Collective authoring of mathematics by small groups of middle school students

Funding Source: SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship

Funding Awarded: $40,000 (2010-12) 

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